What is Winding Efficiency

Winding efficiency is the ratio of actual production and calculated production which is expressed as percentage.

Winding efficiency = Actual production / Calculated production × 100
It should be noted here that, calculated production is always higher than actual production.

Pirn winding machine
Fig: Pirn winding machine

Key Factors of Winding Efficiency:
There are some key factors of winding efficiency which have pointed out in the below:

  1. Yarn count,
  2. Work load per worker,
  3. Yarn quality,
  4. Maintenance and over hauling,
  5. Capacity utilization,
  6. Power failure,
  7. Worker efficiency,
  8. Humidity,
  9. Creeling time,
  10. Doffing time,
  11. Spindle of drum speed.

All the above key factors of winding efficiency have explained in the following:

1. Yarn count:
If yarn count is higher then winding efficiency will be higher. In the other word, yarn count is proportional to winding efficiency.

2. Work load per worker:
Here, winding efficiency will be decreased if work load per worker increases. Here, work load per worker is inversely proportional to work load per worker.
3. Yarn quality:
Winding efficiency will be increased if yarn quality increases. Here, yarn quality is proportional to winding efficiency.
4. Maintenance and over hauling:
Here, winding efficiency will be decreased if maintenance and over hauling of winding machine is not perfect.
5. Capacity utilization:
Capacity utilization is inversely proportional to winding efficiency.
6. Power failure:
Winding efficiency will decrease if power failure increases. Power failure is inversely proportional to winding efficiency.
7. Worker efficiency:
Worker efficiency is proportional to winding efficiency. That means, if worker efficiency increases, ultimately increase the winding efficiency.
8. Humidity:
In case of cotton yarn, humidity is proportional to winding efficiency. Without cotton yarn, humidity is inversely proportional to winding efficiency.
9. Creeling time:
Winding efficiency will be less if creeling time is more.
10. Doffing time:
Doffing time is inversely proportional to winding efficiency. That means, winding efficiency is less when doffing time more.

11. Spindle of drum speed:

If drum speed is more then winding efficiency will be increased.

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