What is Sizing in Weaving?

Sizing is the process of applying adhesive coating on the surface of yarn. This process is dome after completing warping process. It is one the most important process to achieve optimum weaving proficiency specially for filament and blended yarns.
Sizing process used in weaving technology
Fig: Sizing process used in weaving technology
It should be noted here that, due to application of sizing materials upon the yarn surface, following characteristics of yarn have changed-
  1. Increasing yarn elasticity
  2. Increasing weight of yarn,
  3. Increasing frictional resistance of yarn,
  4. Increasing strength of yarn and
  5. Increasing smoothness of yarn.


Objects of Sizing in Weaving:


There are some key purposes of sizing process which are presented in the below:
  1. It is used to remove the projecting fibres from the yarn surface.
  2. This process is used to maintain required quality fabric.
  3. In case of blended or synthetic yarn, this process is used to reduce electrostatic formation in yarn.
  4. This process is used to develop the weave ability of warp yarn.
  5. It is used to reduce the hairiness of warp yarn
  6. It is used to increase the breaking strength or tensile strength in case of cellulose yarn.
  7. It is used to increase the elasticity of warp yarn.
  8. It is used to increase smoothness of warp yarn.
  9. This process is used to reduce the weakness of warp yarn.
  10. It is used to increase yarn strength.
  11. It is used to decrease the generation of static electricity.
  12. It is also used to protect the yarn from abrasion.


Properties of Sized Yarn or Sized Yarn Properties:


There will be change in various properties of yarn due to application of sizing:
  1. Yarn strength: higher,
  2. Yarn diameter: higher,
  3. Smoothness: lower,
  4. Hairiness: lower,
  5. Absorbency: lower,
  6. Frictional resistance: increase,
  7. Weakness: lower,
  8. Flexibility: lower,
  9. Static electricity: lower,
  10. Elasticity of yarn: higher.

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