Nanotechnology in Textiles: Revolutionizing Fabric Performance at GIM

In recent years, the textiles industry has witnessed groundbreaking advancements, with nanotechnology playing a pivotal role in transforming fabric functionality and performance. At Global Incentives Manufacturing (GIM), we are proud to be at the forefront of this technological evolution, harnessing the power of nanotechnology to create textiles that are stronger, more durable, and highly functional, … Read moreNanotechnology in Textiles: Revolutionizing Fabric Performance at GIM

What is fabric serviceability and what factors and purposes does fabric serviceability testing involve

Global Incentives Manufacturing part of the Neyius Group

Serviceability refers to the ability to repair, clean, and use something. In the context of fabric, serviceability means that the fabric can be cleaned and repaired. When the fabric can no longer be cleaned or repaired, its serviceability has ended. This post will discuss the concept of fabric serviceability in more detail, including the factors … Read moreWhat is fabric serviceability and what factors and purposes does fabric serviceability testing involve